I have collected many of these as paper notes over several years and decided I should write them up to go beyond my own head. I do not guarantee originality; I expect that much of what I write has been written by someone else at some point, but I hope there may be a few interesting or even useful insights here. Some entries will be just idle thoughts, and I certainly do not believe everything myself. I will add entries as I think of and capture them, thoughts being tricky things to capture properly.
As for me, I will say for now that I am a Christian, a husband and father, an engineer, and now happily retired, in approximately that order of importance. My postings will doubtless reflect those attributes. I also read a lot of science, sci-fi, philosophy and other magazines and books, so get a vast assortment of mental input to contribute to my musings and meanderings, some of which will bubble up and become crystallized here.
One last note: please ignore the posting dates. Very few of my posts are timely or sensitive to the passage of years, so they may all be considered "current" in some ways. This blog format collects them by date, so that is what I am stuck with. Pleasant readings!
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