Yes, it's true, I am now a published author! After many years of soul searching and prayer, and not a little procrastination, I finally succumbed to the subconscious nagging and wrote up my book on the bioethics of abortion: Finding the Balance: quantitative ethics resolves the abortion issue. After some positive feedback from reviewers and subsequent revisions, along with the usual battles with my word processor for control of the formatting, I actually got it published! It is a simple e-book, available on Amazon at:
The Kindle app is free of charge for computers, tablets and smart phones, so you can read it on almost any device. I also wanted to make the book free to download, but Amazon would not let me offer it for less than $0.99. I won't copy the book description here as you will see that when you open the link. It is a short book and (I think) an easy read, even with its graphs and yes, equations. The first three pages are viewable free on-line. They give my purpose for writing the book and begin to introduce the topic.
Those of you who know me well may think you already know the gist of what I've written, but you would be mistaken. My "quantitative ethics" approach was developed to be as completely neutral as possible; that is, to avoid or counter all the usual emotional arguments on both sides of the abortion debate, as impossible as that may seem. The analysis and results I arrive at depart from a purely pro-life position -- hence the soul searching on my part alluded to above. I will not reveal the conclusions of my efforts here, but I hope my book will help reframe the abortion debate along objective, defendable lines. The quantitative ethics approach is also offered and applied as a new tool for use in other bioethical subjects, such as end-of-life issues.
I expect that most reviews (if I get any at all) will be negative. After all, most people who read books about abortion will likely already be either solidly pro-life or pro-choice, and they will not like what I have written! This could be a good thing as long as it doesn't dissuade everyone else from reading it. The book is mostly aimed at the majority of people, neither pro-choice nor pro-life (or perhaps both), who may be looking for a reasonable resolution to the issue, one that eschews both extremes.
I hope your curiosity will be piqued enough to risk the minimal cost and find out what I have come up with in this book. And if you indeed read it, please consider posting a review on Amazon. Good or bad, any publicity is better than none!
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